

1 scientific report

1 scientific report 

1 patent application

  • No. A/00605/04.10.2022: Nanostructured monolayers based on carbo-nitrides of transition metals with small addition of silicon resistant to wear, , S. Dragomir, A.C. Parau, D.M. Vranceanu, L.R. Constantin, C.P. Dragomir, A. Vladescu





Papers presented at international conferences

  • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides if transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C.Parau, Diana M.Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P.Dragomir, Alina Vladescu, Salonul Internațional al Cercetării Științifice, Inovării și Inventicii PRO INVENT, ediția a XX-a,Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26-28 October 2022– Gold Medal
  • Surface HARDening and highly wear-resistant nanocomposite COATtings for woodworking tools, Alina Vladescu, Lidia R. Constantin, Anca C.Parau, Diana M.Vranceanu, Spiridon Dragomir, 46th INOVA  INTERNATIONAL INVENTION SHOW, OSIJEK, CROATIA,  October – Silver MEDAL and Special Prize (engineering/materials science)

Number of proposed projects in international consortia

1 (Eurostars3)

consortium meeting

2 meetings

creating project webpage

project webpage




   1 scientific report

                         1 scientific report

1 submitted paper in ISI journal

  • Structural, mechanical, wear and anticorrosive properties of CrSiCN coatings used for industrial woodworking applications, I. Pana, A.C. Parau, M. Dinu, C. Vitelaru, D.M. Vranceanu, T. Lindner, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), Materials Chemistry and Physics, ID paper: MATCHEMPHYS-D-23-06121 – Submitted to Journal at 30.10.2023

2 published papers in ISI journals

    1. Effect of the C/N ratio modification on the corrosion behaviour and performance of carbonitride coatings prepared by cathodic arc deposition, M.N. Mirzayev, K.M. Hasanov, A.C. Parau, E. Demir, A.S. Abiyev, T. Karaman, S.H. Jabarov, M. Dinu, E.P. Popov, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), Journal of Materials Research and Technology 27(2023) 1724-1738, doi: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.09.318 – IF2023=6.4
    2. TiSiCN as coatings resistant to corrosion and neutron activation, M.N. Mirzayev, A.C. Parau, L. Slavov, M. Dinu, D. Neov, Z. Slavkova, E.P. Popov, M. Belova, K. Hasanov, F.A. Aliyev, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), Materials 16 (2023) 1-16, doi: 10.3390/ma16051835 – IF2023=3.4

1 patent application

  • No. A/00093/28.02.2023: Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), Anca C.Parau, Diana M.Vranceanu, Mihaela Dinu, Lidia R.Constantin, Catalin Vitelaru

consortium meeting

3 meetings

updated project webpage

updated project webpage

Number of proposed projects in international consortia

3 (2 x Eurostars3, M-ERANET)

Papers presented at international conferences

  • CrSiCN protective coatings used for industrial woodworking applications, Lidia R.Constantin*, Anca C.Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Iulian Pana, Catalin Vitelaru, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), WTK- 23rd Materials Engineering Colloquium 29- 30 March 2023, Chemnitz, Germany
  • Cathodic arc synthesis of CrSiCN protective coatings used for stainless steel improved performance in industrial woodworking application, Lidia R.Constantin*, Anca C.Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Iulian Pana, Catalin Vitelaru, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, May 30 – June 1 2023, Strasbourg, France
  • CrSiCN protective coatings used for industrial woodworking applications, Lidia R. Constantin*, Anca C.Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Alina Valdescu (Dragomir), 21rd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, 11-14 July 2023, Constanta, Romania
  • CrSiCN coatings obtained by cathodic arc synthesis and used as protective coatings for improved performance of stainless steel tools in industrial woodworking applications, Lidia R.Constantin*, Anca C.Parau, M. Dinu, I. Pana, C. Vitelaru, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), 20st International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN23) 4-7 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • CrSi-based carbo-nitrides protective coatings for industrial woodworking applications, Lidia R.Constantin*, Anca C.Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Iulian Pana, Catalin Vitelaru, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), 8th Edition Smart Materials & Surfaces conference - SMS 2023 Conference, 25-28 October 2023, Albufeira, Portugalia


  • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides of transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C. Parau, Diana M. Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P. Dragomir,Alina Vladescu, EUROINVENT -15th European Exhibition of  Creativity and Innovation, 11-13 MAY 2023, Iasi, Romania,  October – Silver MEDAL and Special Prize from Timisoara Politehnica University
  • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides of transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C. Parau, Diana M. Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P.Dragomir,Alina Vladescu, 16th  International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG® 2023, May 24-25, 2023, Katowice, Poland - Diploma of Excellency and Gold Medal
  • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides of transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C. Parau, Diana M. Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P. Dragomir,Alina Vladescu, The International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations „Traian Vuia” 2023, 15 - 17 June 2023, Timisoara, Romania - Diploma of Excellency - CorneliuGroup Research Innovation Association - INVENTCOR
  • Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), Anca C. Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Lidia R. Constantin, Diana M. Vranceanu, Catalin Vitelaru, 4th International Exhibition InventCor, 15-16 September 2023, Deva, Romania - Gold medal, Diploma of excellency from National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics (Romania) and Special Prize of Sibiu ARTA Association
  • Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), Anca C. Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Lidia R. Constantin, Diana M. Vranceanu, Catalin Vitelaru - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS APPLICATION INOVA -  BE THE ROLE MODEL 2023, 26-29 september 2023, Zagreb, Croatia - Gold medal and Special Prize from ITE International & Trade Expo 2023
  • Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides of transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear, Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C. Parau, Diana M. Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P. Dragomir,Alina Vladescu, 8th annual edition of International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2023, 26 AUGUST 2023, online - Gold medal




1 scientific report

1 scientific report

1 submitted paper in ISI journal

 Titanium Silicon carbonitride coatings for woodworking applications, M.Dinu, A.C.Parau, I.Pana, C.Vitelaru, D.M. Vranceanu, T.Lindner, A.Vladescu (Dragomir), Thin Solid Films, 2024

1 published paper in ISI journal

 Structural, mechanical, wear and anticorrosive properties of CrSiCN coatings used for industrial woodworking applications, I.Pana, A.C.Parau, M.Dinu, C.Vitelaru, D.M. Vranceanu, T.Lindner, A.Vladescu (Dragomir), Heliyon 10 (2024) 1-15, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29496 (IF2023=3.4)

1 patent application

  • No. A/00646/30.10.2024: Compositional gradient structures for protective coatings of cutting tools used in the woodworking industry, Alina Dragomir, C.Vitelaru, Mihaiela Dinu, Iulian Pana, Anca C. Parau, Lidia R.Constantin, Diana M.Vranceanu
  • consortium meeting

    4 meetings

    Papers presented at international conferences

    Invited oral communications:

    1. HARD-COATINGS FOR WOODWORKING APPLICATIONS, A.Vladescu (Dragomir)*, A.C.Parau, M.Dinu, 22nd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science” – IBWAP2024, Simpozium 2 “Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physiscs and Applications (S2), 10-12 July 2024, Constanta, Romania
    2. Titanium silicon carbonitride coatings for woodworking applications, A.Vladescu (Dragomir)*,  A.C. Parau, M.Dinu, C.P.Dragomir, 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Technologies – ROMat 2024, November 14-16, 2024, Bucharest, Romania
    3. Process control loops using optical emission spectroscopy in reactive sputtering, C.Vitelaru*, I. Pana, A.C Parau, M. Dinu, L.R. Constantin, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), ESCAMPIG XXVI, July 9–13, 2024, Brno, Czech Republic

    Oral presentations: Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools, A.Vladescu (Dragomir), A.C. Pârâu, D.M. Vrânceanu, M.Dinu, L.R. Constantin, C.Vitelaru:

    • 16th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT 2024, 6-8 June 2024, Iasi, Romania
    • 9th Annual Edition of International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2024, 26 AUGUST 2024, Canada – online
    • 10th Edition of International Exhibition of Patents and Innovation “Traian Vuia”, 13-16 June 2024, Timisoara, Romania
    • 1st EURO POLITEHNICUS International Exhibition of Innovation and Invention, 22-24 November 2024, Bucuresti, Romania
    • Surface functionalization in selective laser melted 17-4 PH by plasma polishing and interstitial diffusion hardening, Thomas Lindner, Maximilian Grimm, Frank Schubert, Kerstin Winkler, Thomas Starke, Tobias Weise, Ralph Hunger, Robin Berger, Radim Čtvrtlík, Jan Tomáštík, Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), Thomas Lampke, The Sixteenth International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties, 29-31 May 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • CrSiCN based hard-coatings used for woodworking applications, A.Vladescu (Dragomir) *, A.C. Parau, M.Dinu, I.Pana, C.Vitelaru, L.R.Constantin,  D.M.Vranceanu, The International Symposium - Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” - PRIOCHEM - XX”, 16-18 October 2024, Bucuresti, Romania


    1. Ti/TiSi/TiSiN/TiSiCN multilayered structures obtained by cathodic arc evaporation, A.C. Parau, M. Dinu, I. Pana, L.R. Constantin, C. Vitelaru, D.M. Vranceanu, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), E-MRS Spring Meeting, 27-31 May 2024, Strasbourg, France - poster
    2. Effect of Cr and Si alloying on the properties of arc plasma deposited ZrCN coatings used in industrial applications, L.R. Constantin, C. Vitelaru, A.C. Parau, M. Dinu, I. Pana, A. Vladescu (Dragomir), E-MRS Spring Meeting, 27-31 May 2024, Strasbourg, France - poster
    3. Structural, mechanical, wear and anticorrosive properties of protective multilayeres based on TiSi carbo-nitrides used for the development of cutting tools, L.R. Constantin, A.C.Parau, M.Dinu, I.Pana, C.Vitelaru, D.M.Vranceanu, A.Vladescu (Dragomir), 9th Edition SMS (Smart Materials and Surfaces), 23-25 oct 2024, Barcelona, Spania
    4. Ti/TiSi/TiSiN/TiSiCN protective multilayered structures used for Industrial woodworking applications obtained by cathodic arc evaporation, Lidia R. Constantin, Anca C.Parau, Mihaela Dinu, Iulian Pana, Catalin Vitelaru, Diana Maria Vranceanu , Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), GAMS 2024, 5-7 iunie 2024, Paris, Franta
    5. Local mechanical properties evaluation of TiN coatings deposited using Pulsed DC and HiPIMS, Tomastik, J.; Vaclavek, L.; Lindner, T.; Vladescu, A.; Nozka, L., poster on „Euroinvent european exhibition of creativity and innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    6. Varied utilization of acoustic emission in scratch, Václavek, L., Tomáštík, J.; Lindner, T.; Vladescu A.; Nozka, L., poster on „Euroinvent European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    1. Surface Functionalization of Selective Laser Melted 17 4 PH by Plasma Polishing and Interstitial Diffusion Hardening for Thin Films,Lindner, T.; Grimm, M.; Schubert, F.; Winkler, K.; Tomáštík, J.; Vladescu A.; Lampke, T., poster on „Euroinvent european exhibition of creativity and innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    2. Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes coated by TiN, Václavek, L.; Tomáštík, J.; Nožka, L.; Lindner, T.; Vladescu, A., „16th Local Mechanical Propertiess 2024” (LMP), 29.-31.5.2024, Praha, Czech Republic, (M-Era.net)
    3. Surface functionalization in selective laser melted 17-4 PH by plasma polishing and interstitial diffusion hardening, Lindner, T.; Grimm, M.; Schubert, F.; Winkler, K.; Starke, T.; Weise, T.; Hunger, R.; Berger, R.; Čtvrtlík, R.; Tomáštík, J.; Vladescu A.; Lampke, T., poster on „16th Local Mechanical Propertiess 2024” (LMP), 29.-31.5.2024, Praha, Czech rRepublic, (M-Era.net)


    • Gold medal and Silver medal from Stefan cel Mare Univ. of Suceava for patent application no. A/00093/28.02.2023 - “Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools”. EUROINVENT -16th European Exhibition of  Creativity and Innovation, 6-8 June 2024, Iasi, Romania
    • Gold medal for "Local mechanical properties evaluation of TiN coatings deposited using Pulsed DC and HiPIMS", Tomastik, J.; Vaclavek, L.; Lindner, T.; Vladescu, A.; Nozka, L., poster on „Euroinvent european exhibition of creativity and innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    • Gold medal for "Varied utilization of acoustic emission in scratch", Václavek, L., Tomáštík, J.; Lindner, T.; Vladescu A.; Nozka, L., poster on „Euroinvent european exhibition of creativity and innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    • Gold medal pentru "Surface Functionalization of Selective Laser Melted 17 4 PH by Plasma Polishing and Interstitial Diffusion Hardening for Thin Films",Lindner, T.; Grimm, M.; Schubert, F.; Winkler, K.; Tomáštík, J.; Vladescu A.; Lampke, T., poster on „Euroinvent european exhibition of creativity and innovation” 6.-8.6.2024, Iasi, Romania, (M-Era.net)
    • Gold medal for patent application “Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools,”, Alina Vlădescu (Dragomir), Anca C. Pârâu, Diana M. Vrânceanu, Mihaela Dinu, Lidia R. Constantin, Cătălin Vițelaru, 9th Annual Edition of International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2024, 26 AUGUST 2024, online
    • Gold medal from National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and special prize from "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiupentru cererea de brevet nr. A/00093/28.02.2023 - “Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools” 10th Edition of International Exhibition of Patents and Innovation “Traian Vuia”, 13-16 June 2024, Timisoara, Romania
    • Politehnicus Silver medal and Excellence Diploma & Gold Medal from ICHECHIM pentru patent application no. A/00093/28.02.2023 - “Multilayered coatings for protecting of cutting tools which work in server wear regimes used in woodworking tools”. 1st EURO POLITEHNICUS International Exhibition of Innovation and Invention, 22-24 November 2024, Bucuresti, Romania

    Student projects

    Bachelor project (Maria Laura Dumitru)- „Depunerea straturilor subțiri pe scule așchietoare”, Coordinators: Conf.Dr.Ing. Cosmin M. Cotruț & Dr.Ing. Alina Vladescu (Dragomir)

    Dissertation project (Stefan D. Tudor)- “Studii privind obținerea și caracterizarea straturilor subțiri dure și rezistente la uzare pentru aplicații industriale”,  Coordonatori Științifici: Conf.Dr.Ing. Cosmin M. Cotruț & Dr.Ing. Alina Vladescu (Dragomir)

    Number of proposed projects in national consortia

    2 (PTE2024, PED2024)

    International visibility

     Alina Vladescu (Dragomir), project leader:

    osijek2023 intarg20223 blaga2024
